Liberte 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon (Paso Robles)
The wine has a definite heavy beginning- syrupy with powering dark cherry aroma. It has medium volatility and no strong acidic foretones. Woody texture leads to lingering French Oak. Medium to light tannins. Spicy vanilla after-palate.
Perhaps a good wine towards the end of a meal. Might be better after a bit dry poultry rather than heavy, greasy meats, as overall sweetness of the wine could be confrontational and actually become nauseating.
Recommendation: aerate the bottle for ~5-10 minutes. Will delay and shorten the overpowering sweet (headache prone) dark cherry and bring out/draw out the smooth aroma of the French Oak.
Final Verdict: Repeat for appropriate occasion. Dry white meat.
Reason: Beginning is too sweet and perhaps overpowering. But do appreciate the French Oak middletone that lingers to finish