Topics of the Fourth Pan-Armenian Painting Day Contest:
Nature of My Motherland
The Zoological Park of My Dreams
I am a Tree
About The 4th Pan-Armenian Nature Painting Contest
The basic idea of the Pan-Armenian Nature Painting Contest is to involve Armenian children and youths throughout the world into a huge painting contest for the most beautiful nature paintings. Since 2008, the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC), along with its partner VivaCell-MTS, has organized the contest to encourage and empower young Armenians worldwide to raise their voices for the preservation of their Motherland’s unique natural heritage.
Adults are also encouraged to participate in the contest by voting for their favorite paintings on the contest’s webpage. The young painters who get the most online votes will receive special prizes. Votes are subject to a charge via Paypal and all of the money raised will go towards the urgent renovation of the Yerevan Zoo.
The peak of the nature painting competition is the “Painting Day”. This event will take place on June 1th in Yerevan. On this special day, hundreds of children and youths from all over Armenia transform the green space into an open-air painting studio and create hundreds of paintings dedicated to nature and environmental issues. Moreover a lot of colorful activities like concerts and circus performances also attract passers-by, among them adults as well as children.
A special characteristic of the Painting Day is that the young painters do not only paint on paper but also decorate hundreds of wooden tables from kindergartens, schools and orphanages. After the event, the decorated tables are returned to the educational institutions. With their colors, they now not only enrich the daily lives of thousands of children but also remind the country’s young generation to take care of Armenia’s precious natural heritage.
Start: June 1
Deadline: October 10
Winners of the contest are chosen by an independent jury according to age categories.
Awards will include books, bikes, video- and photo cameras. The main prize is the opportunity to participate in the final ceremony of the Pan-Armenian Nature Painting contest. The ceremony will take place in Yerevan in the frame of SunChild 3rd International Environmental Festival in October 2011.
To participate in the Fourth Pan-Armenian Painting Contest you must:
1. Be an Armenian by nationality or spirit
2. Be enthusiastic about creating paintings dedicated to nature and environmental issues
3. Feel concerned about nature protection everywhere in the world and especially in Armenia
4. Be between 5 and 16 years old
Topics of the Fourth Pan-Armenian Painting Day Contest:
- Nature of My Motherland
- The Zoological Park of My Dreams
- I am a Tree
If you have met the above mentioned criteria and want to participate in the Fourth Pan-Armenian Nature Painting Contest, register at www.paintingday.sunchild.org by submitting your full name, age, postal address, phone number, address of your educational institution, your email address and profile picture.
After your registration has been approved, you will receive your login and password and can then start uploading your paintings according to your chosen topic.
Uploading paintings
Each person can upload up to three paintings in digital format (either a photograph or a scan of the paintings). Files can be uploaded from the account page after logging in.
The technical requirements for the picture files are:
• Maximum size of the picture file should not exceed 2 MB
• Maximum dimensions of the picture should not exceed 1280px x 1280px.
• File format must be JPG.